Bazzania vittata (Gottsche) Trevis. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — Vietnam. Tuyên Duc, piste de Kinda, sur souche au sol, 600 m, Tixier 202 (PC [PC0764754]); Lâm Đồng, Bao Lôc, sur bois en forêt, 700 m, 6.II.1960, s.n. (PC [PC0724732]); Bao Lôc, E.N.A.E.S., sur bois au sol en forêt, Tixier 275 ? (PC [PC0764734]); Lâm Đồng, Benom da Treu, s.n. (PC [PC0764741]). ILLUSTRATIONS. — Zhou et al. 2012: 56, fig. 37; Meagher 2019: 357, fig. 33. NOTES In tropical Asia only this tiny species has a glaucous tint, due to the waxy particles on its opaque cuticle. Shoot 0.4- 1.0 mm wide, with contiguous side leaves. The quadrangular, often emarginate underleaves consist of hyaline cells except for very few green basal cell rows, like in B. t...