* Bazzania sikkimensis (Steph.) Herzog (Fig. 1E, F) SPECIMEN EXAMINED. — “ Benom da Treu ” was the only locality indication on the envelope (PC [PC0464741]). ILLUSTRATIONS. — Sharma & Srivastava 1993: 42-43; Zhou et al. 2012: 44. NOTES Benom da Treu is a mountain summit in southern Vietnam, approachhing 1800 m altitude, covered mostly by pine forests. It lies north of Da Lat town in Lâm Đồng province. Bazzania sikkimensis has small, contiguous, ovate triangular, bilobate side leaves with finely punctate cuticle. The underleaves distant, truncate orbicular with sinuously dentate apex, composed only of chlorophyllose cells. It differs from B. bidentula by its leaf and underleaf cells, which are only 18-25 µm in size, while in ...