Bazzania recurva (Mont.) Trevis. (Figs 4A, B; 6C, D) SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — Vietnam. Lâm Đồng, Bao Loc, sur souche en forêt secondaire, 700 m, Tixier 415 (PC [PC0764737]); Lâm Đồng, piste de Dalao, sur bois au sol en forêt, 900 m, Tixier 410 (PC [PC0764739, PC0764739]). ILLUSTRATION. — Piippo et al. 2002: 110, fig. 4. NOTES Bazzania recurva is a very characteristic species with its densely imbricate, triangularly suborbicular, entire leaves, finely and evenly denticulate at margin and slightly recurved, somewhat cucullate at apex. Underleaves densely imbricate, strongly concave in centre with reflexed margin, more or less auriculate at base, in situ U shaped, flattened semicircular-reniform, wider than long. Distribu...