Meso divlje svinje se smatra namirnicom visoke nutritivne vrednosti, koju karakteriše nizak sadržaj masti i holesterola. Nizak nivo ukupne masti ne podrazumeva i poželjan masno kiselinski sastav, kao ni odnos zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da utvrdi masnokiselinski profil i hemijski sastav mesa divlje svinje. Tokom lovne sezone u 2021 godini, uzeti su uzorci m. longissimus dorsi od 20 jedinki. AOAC (2021) je korišćen za utvrđivanje sadržaja vlage, masti, proteina i pepela. Determinacija masnih kiselina izvršena je na gasnom hromatografu (GC6890N, Agilent Tech., USA). Ukupan sadržaj intramuskularne masti u ispitivanim uzorcima je bio nizak (1,9%), dok je sadržaj sirovih proteina bio na nivou od 2...
Divlja svinja je naša autohtona divljač. Raširena je po cijelom svijetu, a u Hrvatskoj obitava gotov...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...
For centuries, game meat has been an important source of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the huma...
Meso divlje svinje je nutricionistički priznato kao meso s malim udjelom masti a samim tim i malom e...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Wild boar meat has well balanced with nutrients and comprised with unique sensory attributes and mea...
Forty carcasses (38.6-45.9 kg) from male and female (1:1) wild boar, which were shot in one hunting ...
Nowadays, consumers are increasingly concerned about protein sources that exist in food, always ϐind...
The consumers take more care to nutrition – health relationship, for this reason they prefer high qu...
The topic of this bachelor thesis is the Quality parameters of wild boar meat (Sus scrofa). The aim ...
In order to study the meat quality of wild boars and in particolar their fatty acid composition 8 ca...
In order to study the meat quality of wild boars and in particolar their fatty acid composition 8 ca...
Divlja svinja je naša autohtona divljač. Raširena je po cijelom svijetu, a u Hrvatskoj obitava gotov...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...
For centuries, game meat has been an important source of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the huma...
Meso divlje svinje je nutricionistički priznato kao meso s malim udjelom masti a samim tim i malom e...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Divlja se svinja oduvijek lovi radi mesa, koje se smatra ne samo nutritivno bogatim, već i s vrlo po...
Wild boar meat has well balanced with nutrients and comprised with unique sensory attributes and mea...
Forty carcasses (38.6-45.9 kg) from male and female (1:1) wild boar, which were shot in one hunting ...
Nowadays, consumers are increasingly concerned about protein sources that exist in food, always ϐind...
The consumers take more care to nutrition – health relationship, for this reason they prefer high qu...
The topic of this bachelor thesis is the Quality parameters of wild boar meat (Sus scrofa). The aim ...
In order to study the meat quality of wild boars and in particolar their fatty acid composition 8 ca...
In order to study the meat quality of wild boars and in particolar their fatty acid composition 8 ca...
Divlja svinja je naša autohtona divljač. Raširena je po cijelom svijetu, a u Hrvatskoj obitava gotov...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...
The food industry is constantly adapting and is to a large extent shaped by the desires of its consu...