30. Bokhara Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus bocharicus French: Rhinolophe du Boukhara / German: Buchara-Hufeisennase / Spanish: Herradura de Bujarâ Other common names: Central Asian Horseshoe Bat Taxonomy. Rhinolophus bocharicus Kastschenko & Akimov, 1917, Murgab River, Turkmenistan. Rhinolophus bocharicus is in the ferrumequinum species group based on morphology and genetic evidence and has been variously included as a subspecies of R ferrumequinum or R clivosus. Detailed morphological work concluded that R bocharicus is distinct from both species and that it and R clivosus might have evolved from populations of R ferrumequinum. The name rubiginosus by N. Gubarev in 1941 is included under R ferrumequinum as a synonym instead of a...