34. Horacek’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus horaceki French: Rhinolophe de Horacek / German: Horacek-Hufeisennase / Spanish: Herradura de Horacek Taxonomy. Rhinolophus horaceki Benda & Vallo, 2012, “ Wadi Damah, 32° 42’ 06” N, 22° 36’ 40” E, ca. 6 km S of Damah, Darnah Disc, Cyrenaica, Libya.” Rhinolophus horaceki is in the ferrumequinum species group, but genetic data based solely on mitochondrial cytochrome-b have shown it to be sister to a clade including the ferrumequinum and fumigatus groups. Additional research is needed to fully resolve phylogenetic position of R horaceki. Populations now attributed to it were previously listed as A clivosus. Monotypic. Distribution. N Cyrenaica, NE Libya. Descriptive notes. Head-bo...