41. Chinese Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis French: Rhinolophe du Xi Nan Zhongguo I German: China-Hufeisennase I Spanish: Herradura china Other common names: South-western China Horseshoe Bat, Wedge-sella Horseshoe Bat Taxonomy. Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis Zhou Zhaomin et al, 2009, “ Wumulong, Yongde County, Yunnan Province, China 24°22’N, 99°39’ E 1980 m above sea level.” Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis is the only representative of the xinanzhongguoensis species group. Noseleaf morphology aligns it with the landeri group, but its larger size and genetic evidence differentiate it as a distinct clade. Rhinolophus xinanzhongguoensis is nested in the Afro-Palearctic clade of species groups, including the ferru...