9. Dormer’s Bat Scotozous dormeri French: Pipistrelle de Dormer / German: DormerZwergfledermaus / Spanish: Pipistrela de Dormer Other common names: Dormer’s Pipistrelle Taxonomy. Scotozous dormeri Dobson, 1875, “Bellary Hills [Mysore], Southern India.” Scotozous dormeri has variously been placed in Pipistrellus or Scotoecus, but it is now generally considered a separate, monotypic genus. Its phylogenetic relationship is still uncertain, although it is included within Pipistrellini. The existence of several karyotypes suggest that several cryptic species may be included within the currently defined species. Monotypic. Distribution. E Pakistan (Punjab and Sindh), much of India, extreme SW Nepal, and W & C Bangladesh (Rajshahi...
133. Heller’s Serotine Neoromicia helios French: Vespeére soleil / German: HellerZwergflederma...
71. Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri French: Chalinolobe de Dwyer / German: Langohr-La...
325. Gray Tube-nosed Bat Harpiola grisea French: Murine de I'Himalaya / German: Graue Rohrenna...
Between September 2008 and September 2010, faunal surveys were carried out by the first author in Pa...
1. Desert Yellow Lesser House Bat Scotoecus pallidus French: Scotoéque d’Asie / German: Fahle ...
203. Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus French: Blondin de Cuvier / German: Dreifarb-Zwergfle...
37. Pratt’s Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros pratti French: Phyllorhine de Pratt / German: Pratt-Ru...
300. Cryptic Woolly Bat Kerivoula crypta French: Kérivoule cryptique / German: Kryptische Woll...
4. Ruppell’s Bat Vansonia rueppellii French: Pipistrelle de Riippell / German: Rippell-Zwergfl...
26. Rusty Pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus French: Pipistrelle rouille / German: Rostfarbene ...
74. Wrinkle-lipped Free-Tailed Bat Chaerephon plicatus French: Tadaride a nez plissé / German:...
283. Robbins’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus nucella French: Scotophile de Robbins / German: Robbins-...
A recent survey identified a colony of Pipistrellus tenuis (n = 5) in Kanyakuchi Pahar village (26°0...
276. White-bellied Yellow Bat Scotophilus leucogaster French: Scotophile a ventre blanc / Germ...
Thapa, Sanjan, Subedi, Pradeep, Singh, Nanda B., Pearch, Malcolm J. (2012): The first record of Scot...
133. Heller’s Serotine Neoromicia helios French: Vespeére soleil / German: HellerZwergflederma...
71. Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri French: Chalinolobe de Dwyer / German: Langohr-La...
325. Gray Tube-nosed Bat Harpiola grisea French: Murine de I'Himalaya / German: Graue Rohrenna...
Between September 2008 and September 2010, faunal surveys were carried out by the first author in Pa...
1. Desert Yellow Lesser House Bat Scotoecus pallidus French: Scotoéque d’Asie / German: Fahle ...
203. Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus French: Blondin de Cuvier / German: Dreifarb-Zwergfle...
37. Pratt’s Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros pratti French: Phyllorhine de Pratt / German: Pratt-Ru...
300. Cryptic Woolly Bat Kerivoula crypta French: Kérivoule cryptique / German: Kryptische Woll...
4. Ruppell’s Bat Vansonia rueppellii French: Pipistrelle de Riippell / German: Rippell-Zwergfl...
26. Rusty Pipistrelle Pipistrellus rusticus French: Pipistrelle rouille / German: Rostfarbene ...
74. Wrinkle-lipped Free-Tailed Bat Chaerephon plicatus French: Tadaride a nez plissé / German:...
283. Robbins’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus nucella French: Scotophile de Robbins / German: Robbins-...
A recent survey identified a colony of Pipistrellus tenuis (n = 5) in Kanyakuchi Pahar village (26°0...
276. White-bellied Yellow Bat Scotophilus leucogaster French: Scotophile a ventre blanc / Germ...
Thapa, Sanjan, Subedi, Pradeep, Singh, Nanda B., Pearch, Malcolm J. (2012): The first record of Scot...
133. Heller’s Serotine Neoromicia helios French: Vespeére soleil / German: HellerZwergflederma...
71. Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri French: Chalinolobe de Dwyer / German: Langohr-La...
325. Gray Tube-nosed Bat Harpiola grisea French: Murine de I'Himalaya / German: Graue Rohrenna...