276. White-bellied Yellow Bat Scotophilus leucogaster French: Scotophile a ventre blanc / German: Weil3bauch-Hausfledermaus / Spanish: Scotofilo de vientre blanco Other common names: Cretzschmar’s Brown Bat, Lesser Yellow House Bat, White-bellied House Bat Taxonomy. Nycticejus leucogaster Cretzschmar in Ruppell, 1826, Brunnen Nedger (= Nedger Wel or Bir Nedger), Kordofan Province, Sudan. Based on multivariate analyses of forearm and cranial measurements, S. leucogaster is distinct from S. viridis but includes damarensis, which might occupy a different ecological niche compared with northern populations of S. leucogaster. Two subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. S.l.leucogasterCretzschmar,1826—NofequatorfromMa...
65. Lappet-eared Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon major French: Tadaride a oreillettes / German: Ohr...
66. Nigerian Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon nigeriae French: Tadaride du Nigeria / German: Nigeria...
55. Sierra Leone Collared Fruit Bat Myonycteris leptodon French: Myonyctére ouest-africain / G...
285. Western Greenish Yellow Bat Scotophilus nigritellus French: Scotophile de De Winton / Ger...
277. East African Yellow Bat Scotophilus altilis French: Scotophile du Soudan / German: Ostafr...
287. Trujillo's Yellow Bat Scotophilus trujilloi French: Scotophile de Trujillo / German: Truj...
289. Eritrean Yellow Bat Scotophilus colias French: Scotophile soufré / German: Eritrea-Hausfl...
283. Robbins’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus nucella French: Scotophile de Robbins / German: Robbins-...
286. Livingstone’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus livingstonii French: Scotophile de Livingstone / Ger...
281. Ejeta’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus ejetai French: Scotophile d'Ejeta / German: Ejeta-Hausfled...
270. Sody’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus collinus French: Scotophile de Sody / German: Sody-Hausfled...
The yellow-bellied Scotophilus dinganii is the only African house bat species reported to occur in t...
1. Desert Yellow Lesser House Bat Scotoecus pallidus French: Scotoéque d’Asie / German: Fahle ...
213. Thomas's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa io French: Rhogeessa de Thomas / German: Thomas-Gelbflederm...
284. Andrew Rebori’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus andrewreborii French: Scotophile de Rebori / Germa...
65. Lappet-eared Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon major French: Tadaride a oreillettes / German: Ohr...
66. Nigerian Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon nigeriae French: Tadaride du Nigeria / German: Nigeria...
55. Sierra Leone Collared Fruit Bat Myonycteris leptodon French: Myonyctére ouest-africain / G...
285. Western Greenish Yellow Bat Scotophilus nigritellus French: Scotophile de De Winton / Ger...
277. East African Yellow Bat Scotophilus altilis French: Scotophile du Soudan / German: Ostafr...
287. Trujillo's Yellow Bat Scotophilus trujilloi French: Scotophile de Trujillo / German: Truj...
289. Eritrean Yellow Bat Scotophilus colias French: Scotophile soufré / German: Eritrea-Hausfl...
283. Robbins’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus nucella French: Scotophile de Robbins / German: Robbins-...
286. Livingstone’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus livingstonii French: Scotophile de Livingstone / Ger...
281. Ejeta’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus ejetai French: Scotophile d'Ejeta / German: Ejeta-Hausfled...
270. Sody’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus collinus French: Scotophile de Sody / German: Sody-Hausfled...
The yellow-bellied Scotophilus dinganii is the only African house bat species reported to occur in t...
1. Desert Yellow Lesser House Bat Scotoecus pallidus French: Scotoéque d’Asie / German: Fahle ...
213. Thomas's Yellow Bat Rhogeessa io French: Rhogeessa de Thomas / German: Thomas-Gelbflederm...
284. Andrew Rebori’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus andrewreborii French: Scotophile de Rebori / Germa...
65. Lappet-eared Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon major French: Tadaride a oreillettes / German: Ohr...
66. Nigerian Free-tailed Bat Chaerephon nigeriae French: Tadaride du Nigeria / German: Nigeria...
55. Sierra Leone Collared Fruit Bat Myonycteris leptodon French: Myonyctére ouest-africain / G...