281. Ejeta’s Yellow Bat Scotophilus ejetai French: Scotophile d'Ejeta / German: Ejeta-Hausfledermaus / Spanish: Scotofilo de Etiopia Other common names: Ejeta’s House Bat Taxonomy. Scotophilus ejetai Brooks & Bickham, 2014, “ Ethiopia: Orimaya Region, Dogy River Bridge (8°21'43"N, 35°53'02"E)... 1390 m.” Scotophilus ejetai differs from S. dinganii by 9-4% sequence difference at cytochromeb. Monotypic. Distribution. Known only from three localities in W Ethiopia. Descriptive notes. Head-body 72-6 77- 1 mm, tail 40-4-45- 1 mm, ear 10-2- 11- 7 mm, hindfoot 9-3-12- 1 mm, forearm 50-2-50- 4 mm. Dorsal fur is dark reddish mahogany; venter is orange, with grayish hue on abdomen. Ears are separated and have rounded tips. Ventral...