71. Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri French: Chalinolobe de Dwyer / German: Langohr-Lappenfledermaus / Spanish: Calinolobo de Dwyer Other common names: Large Pied Bat Taxonomy. Chalinolobus dwyeri Ryan, 1966, “from a mine tunnel at Copeton, 14 miles [= 23 km] south of Inverell, New South Wales,” Australia. Chalinolobus appears to be sister to Nyctophilus within a clade of Australasian bats that also includes Falsistrellus, Vespadelus, and probably also Pharotis. Monotypic. Distribution. E Australia, in SE Queensland and E New South Wales. Descriptive notes. Head—body 43-56 mm, tail 34-5-50 mm, ear 12:4-17-5 mm, forearm 36-9—-44.6 mm; weight 5-5-12-2 g. There are large swellings on either side of the muzzle caused...