New: added common_barcodes command to to write a report of the barcodes present in a run, sorted in descending order by count added --commonBarcodes to illumina_demux command to write a common barcodes file as part of the demultiplexing process Fixes: more robust handling of sample sheet data Snakemake pipeline fixes related to how Snakemake handles parameters in newer versions update trimmomatic to 0.36 trimmomatic install fix various fixes in interhost.rules (Snakemake pipeline
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: New BWA-based LCA metagenomics function: metagenomics. align_rna() Align to metagenomics bwa i...
Bug fixes, tested support for multi-segment genomes, and ability to download FASTAs, feature tables,...
New: illumina.common_barcodes now reports Illumina index names in addition to barcode sequences. Ex...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: scaffolder uses ambiguous alignments when no unambiguous ones exist (#904) add function to ass...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
Changed: Demultiplexing from Illumina basecalls is now more permissive of varying input directory [...
Quick fixes: Revert fasta indexing to samtools instead of pysam (for py3 threaded stability). Fix ...
New: add --unpairedOutFastqto trim_trimmomatic: two optional parameters for specif...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
Updates: make easy-deploy script more generic (less Broad specific) more documentation updates bug...
Small fixes OSX compatibility fixes (most steps should work, with the exception of intrahost and m...
New: assembly.order_and_orient() now supports --outAlternateContigs to output sequences (in FASTA...
Move software dependencies to bioconda for greater reliability / cross-platform compatibility. Code ...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: New BWA-based LCA metagenomics function: metagenomics. align_rna() Align to metagenomics bwa i...
Bug fixes, tested support for multi-segment genomes, and ability to download FASTAs, feature tables,...
New: illumina.common_barcodes now reports Illumina index names in addition to barcode sequences. Ex...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: scaffolder uses ambiguous alignments when no unambiguous ones exist (#904) add function to ass...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
Changed: Demultiplexing from Illumina basecalls is now more permissive of varying input directory [...
Quick fixes: Revert fasta indexing to samtools instead of pysam (for py3 threaded stability). Fix ...
New: add --unpairedOutFastqto trim_trimmomatic: two optional parameters for specif...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
Updates: make easy-deploy script more generic (less Broad specific) more documentation updates bug...
Small fixes OSX compatibility fixes (most steps should work, with the exception of intrahost and m...
New: assembly.order_and_orient() now supports --outAlternateContigs to output sequences (in FASTA...
Move software dependencies to bioconda for greater reliability / cross-platform compatibility. Code ...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: New BWA-based LCA metagenomics function: metagenomics. align_rna() Align to metagenomics bwa i...
Bug fixes, tested support for multi-segment genomes, and ability to download FASTAs, feature tables,...