New: New BWA-based LCA metagenomics function: metagenomics. align_rna() Align to metagenomics bwa index, mark duplicates, and generate LCA report In Broad Snakemake pipeline, problematic nodes can now be blacklisted now supports Python 2-based conda environments (sans Snakemake), and installation of viral-ngs from local conda builds GATK_PATH (the path to the directory containing the GenomeAnalysisTK.jar file) can be specified via --GATK_PATH to functions requiring GATK NOVOALIGN_LICENSE_PATH (the path to a novoalign.lic file) can be specified via --NOVOALIGN_LICENSE_PATH to functions that make use of Novoalign Fixed: reports.rules Snakemake file fixes usage of samples-runs.txt has bugf...
Changed: Demultiplexing from Illumina basecalls is now more permissive of varying input directory [...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: The functions to plot coverage in can now limit graph bounds via --plotXLimits and ...
New: [Nothing] Fixed: the conda channel order has been corrected to reflect the bioconda-preferre...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: Improvements to the pipeline to support single-end reads in additional stages, including the d...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: assembly.order_and_orient() now supports --outAlternateContigs to output sequences (in FASTA...
This is a release with many changes, including new WDL pipelines, a distribution of viral-ngs on DNA...
Fixed: fix position output for genome features falling oob during annotation in snakemake pipeline:...
New: [#762] The file now has a new command, deplete_bwa_bam, which uses bwa for dep...
Move software dependencies to bioconda for greater reliability / cross-platform compatibility. Code ...
New: scaffolder uses ambiguous alignments when no unambiguous ones exist (#904) add function to ass...
New: binned coverage plot option in align_and_plot via --binLargePlots (#957) (thanks to...
Changed: Demultiplexing from Illumina basecalls is now more permissive of varying input directory [...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: The functions to plot coverage in can now limit graph bounds via --plotXLimits and ...
New: [Nothing] Fixed: the conda channel order has been corrected to reflect the bioconda-preferre...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: Improvements to the pipeline to support single-end reads in additional stages, including the d...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: The Snakemake pipeline can now source database files from S3, GS, or SFTP if given protocol-pr...
New: assembly.order_and_orient() now supports --outAlternateContigs to output sequences (in FASTA...
This is a release with many changes, including new WDL pipelines, a distribution of viral-ngs on DNA...
Fixed: fix position output for genome features falling oob during annotation in snakemake pipeline:...
New: [#762] The file now has a new command, deplete_bwa_bam, which uses bwa for dep...
Move software dependencies to bioconda for greater reliability / cross-platform compatibility. Code ...
New: scaffolder uses ambiguous alignments when no unambiguous ones exist (#904) add function to ass...
New: binned coverage plot option in align_and_plot via --binLargePlots (#957) (thanks to...
Changed: Demultiplexing from Illumina basecalls is now more permissive of varying input directory [...
A set of scripts and tools for the analysis of viral NGS data. More detailed documentation can be f...
New: The functions to plot coverage in can now limit graph bounds via --plotXLimits and ...