Eoophyla evidens Li, You & Wang, 2003 (Figs 51–52, 59–60) Eoophyla evidens Li, You & Wang, 2003, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 28(2): 297. Type-locality: Guangxi, China. Diagnosis. The species is different by its forewing of male has the upper edge of cell diffused with fuscous long setae from basal half and androconial hairs covered with apical 1/3 of the cell from the upper edge. And it can be distinguished from other species of the group that the postmedial fascia of both wings without the fuscous inner edge. In male genitalia, the species is special by three strong specialized setae about 3/4 length of valva, and the third seta with minute spines laterally and a slightly expanded apex. In female genitalia, two pairs of singa are prese...