Eoophyla minita sp. nov. (Figs 49–50, 57–58) Diagnosis. The species has the adults obvious smaller than other species of the group. It has the androconial hairs covered with apical 1/3 of the cell from the upper edge. In male genitalia, the species has two strong specialized setae about half length of vlava. In female genitalia, the species has the pair of signa shorter, at base of corpus bursae, about 1/7 length of it. Description. Wing span ♂ 15–16 mm (n = 8), ♀ 17–27 mm (n = 13). Head pale yellow; antennae filiform, base with a side projection present in male; laibal palpi upturned, as long as compound eyes, densely suffused with long scales in ventral. Thorax and abdomen brown. Legs and tarsi slender. Male. Forewing bro...