Eoophyla clarusa Chen & Wu 2019, sp. nov.

  • Chen, Fuqiang
  • Wu, Chunsheng
Publication date
December 2019


Eoophyla clarusa sp. nov. (Figs 47–48, 55–56) Diagnosis. The species is different by the forewing of male has its upper edge of cell diffused with fuscous setae from base to 2/3 length, and androconial hairs covered with apical 1/3 of the cell from the upper edge. In male genitalia, the species has two short strong specialized setae about 1/3 length of valva. In female genitalia, the species has the pair of slender signa about 2/3 length of corpus bursae. The species is very similar to E. abstrusa, but has the triangular patch on forewing with clear outer edge while blurry in the latter. Moreover, the species has the androconial hairs obvious smaller than E. abstrusa. In genitalia, the species has the specialized setae and the signa shor...

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