267. Cuban Yellow Bat Lasiurus insularis French: Lasiure de Cuba / German: Kuba-Haarschwanzfledermaus / Spanish: Lasiuro de Cuba Taxonomy. Lasiurus intermedius insularis Hall & J. K. Jones, 1961, “ Cienfuegos, Las Villas Province, Cuba.” See L. egregius. Lasiurus insularis was first described as a subspecies of L. intermedius, and its taxonomic status has been debated over the years. Restriction-enzyme analysis of mtDNA and recent molecular studies based on mtDNA and nDNA showed that L. insularis differs enough from L. intermedius, and it was elevated to a distinct species. Lasiurus insularis is in the Yellow Bat group. Monotypic. Distribution. Endemic to Cuba including Isla de la Juventud. Descriptive notes. Head—-body ¢. ...