214. Northern Little Yellow Bat Rhogeessa parvula French: Petite Rhogeessa / German: Nordliche Gelbfledermaus / Spanish: Rogesa nortena pequena Other common names: Little Yellow Bat Taxonomy. Rhogeessa parvula H. Allen, 1866, “Tres Marias [= Islas Marias, Nayarit], Mexico.” Normally considered part of the R. tumida complex, but recent molecular studies based on mtDNA and using nDNA markers found that this species and R. mira form a sister clade to the tumida complex; this similarity between R. parvula and R. mira was also observed in external and skull morphology. Two subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. R.p.parvulaH.Allen,1866—MariasIs,offNayarit,Mexico. R. p. major G. G. Goodwin, 1958 — Pacific coast of M...