454. Malaysian Whiskered Myotis Myotis federatus French: Murin de Malaisie / German: Malaysia-Bartfledermaus / Spanish: Ratonero bigotudo de Malasia Other common names: Malayan Whiskered Myotis Taxonomy. Myotis peyton federatus Thomas, 1916, “Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang boundary [Malaysia]. 2,700 ft. [= 823 m].” Subgenus Myotis; montivagus species group. Myotis federatus has been considered a subspecies, a distinct species, and synonymized with M. montivagus, however, based on morphological and morphometric differences, M. federatus was separated from M. montivagus in 2013. Although M. federatus has not been included in any published phylogenetic study, two samples from Selangor, Malaysia, were sequenced with 5% divergence...