Myotis federatus Thomas, 1916 Myotis peytoni federatus Thomas, 1916: 3; Semangko Paas, MALAYSIA, 2700 ft (Collector unknown; BM(NH) 1916.4.20.5) [178]. Myotis montivagus federatus [9]. Myotis federatus [35]. Barcode Index Number: There are no DNA barcodes recorded under this name on BOLD. DNA barcodes recorded as M. montivagus are associated with two BINs, BOLD: AAC 5917 and BOLD: AAU 0309, but there are no DNA barcodes from Peninsular Malaysia. Remarks: M. federatus was previousy considered to be a subspecies of M. montivagus [9] based on dental characters [213]. Görföl et al. [35], however, noted that M. federatus has smaller forearms, a larger skull and smaller middle upper premolars (P3). The species have distinct geograp...
Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821 Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821: 72; INDIA (Collector unknown; Type...
Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824 Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824: pt 8; Pulau Pinang, ...
Several published checklists of bat species have covered Peninsular Malaysia as part of a broader re...
454. Malaysian Whiskered Myotis Myotis federatus French: Murin de Malaisie / German: Malaysia-...
Rhinolophus morio Gray, 1842 Rhinolophus morio Gray, 1842: 257; SINGAPORE (Collector unknown; BM(...
Murina huttoni [Peters, 1872] Harpyiocephalus huttonii Peters, 1872: 257; Dehra Dun, Kumaon, nort...
Murina suilla [Temminck, 1840] Vespertilio suillus Temminck, 1840: 224, pl. 56; Tapos, Java, INDO...
Miniopterus magnater Sanborn, 1931 Miniopterus schreibersii magnater Sanborn, 1931: 26; Marienbur...
Penthetor lucasi [Dobson, 1880] Cynopterus (Ptenochirus) lucasi Dobson, 1880: 163; Sarawak, MALAY...
Miniopterus schreibersii [Kuhl, 1817] Vespertilio schreibersii Kuhl, 1817: 185; ‘Columbäzar Höhle...
Rhinolophus chiewkweeae Yoshiyuki and Lim, 2005 Rhinolophus chiewkweeae Yoshiyuki and Lim, 2005: ...
Hypsugo macrotis [Temminck, 1840] Vespertilio macrotis Temminck, 1840: 218, pl. 54; Padang, Sumat...
Rhinolophus convexus Csorba, 1997 Rhinolophus convexus Csorba, 1997: 343; Gunung Jasar, Tanah Rata...
453. Bornean Whiskered Myotis Myotis borneoensis French: Murin de Bornéo / German: Borneo-Bart...
Kerivoula whiteheadi Thomas, 1894 (?) Kerivoula whiteheadi Thomas, 1894: 460; Molino, Isabella, n...
Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821 Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821: 72; INDIA (Collector unknown; Type...
Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824 Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824: pt 8; Pulau Pinang, ...
Several published checklists of bat species have covered Peninsular Malaysia as part of a broader re...
454. Malaysian Whiskered Myotis Myotis federatus French: Murin de Malaisie / German: Malaysia-...
Rhinolophus morio Gray, 1842 Rhinolophus morio Gray, 1842: 257; SINGAPORE (Collector unknown; BM(...
Murina huttoni [Peters, 1872] Harpyiocephalus huttonii Peters, 1872: 257; Dehra Dun, Kumaon, nort...
Murina suilla [Temminck, 1840] Vespertilio suillus Temminck, 1840: 224, pl. 56; Tapos, Java, INDO...
Miniopterus magnater Sanborn, 1931 Miniopterus schreibersii magnater Sanborn, 1931: 26; Marienbur...
Penthetor lucasi [Dobson, 1880] Cynopterus (Ptenochirus) lucasi Dobson, 1880: 163; Sarawak, MALAY...
Miniopterus schreibersii [Kuhl, 1817] Vespertilio schreibersii Kuhl, 1817: 185; ‘Columbäzar Höhle...
Rhinolophus chiewkweeae Yoshiyuki and Lim, 2005 Rhinolophus chiewkweeae Yoshiyuki and Lim, 2005: ...
Hypsugo macrotis [Temminck, 1840] Vespertilio macrotis Temminck, 1840: 218, pl. 54; Padang, Sumat...
Rhinolophus convexus Csorba, 1997 Rhinolophus convexus Csorba, 1997: 343; Gunung Jasar, Tanah Rata...
453. Bornean Whiskered Myotis Myotis borneoensis French: Murin de Bornéo / German: Borneo-Bart...
Kerivoula whiteheadi Thomas, 1894 (?) Kerivoula whiteheadi Thomas, 1894: 460; Molino, Isabella, n...
Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821 Scotophilus kuhlii Leach, 1821: 72; INDIA (Collector unknown; Type...
Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824 Cheiromeles torquatus Horsfield, 1824: pt 8; Pulau Pinang, ...
Several published checklists of bat species have covered Peninsular Malaysia as part of a broader re...