16. Schreibers’s Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus schreibersii French: Minioptére de Schreibers / German: Eigentliche Langfligelfledermaus / Spanish: Murciélago de cueva Other common names: Schreiber’s Bent-winged Bat Taxonomy. Vespertilio schreibersii Natterer in Kuhl, 1817, “sudostlichen Gebirge des Bannats: in der Columbézer Héhle [= southeastern mountains of Banat in the Columbazer Cave],” Banat, near Coronini, Romania. Recent phylogenetic studies using DNA sequencing have restricted M. schreibersii to Europe, North Africa, and part of the Near East. Populations of Miniopterus of medium size from sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and Australia, which were until recently all included within this species, are now considered disti...
Ecological niche differences are necessary for stable species coexistence but are often difficult to...
4. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis French: Loup d'Abyssinie / German: Athiopien-Wolf / Spanish: Lob...
9. Cryptolarynx variabilis Haran sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: CABBADE9-B99D-481E-A5EE-ACFA0F...
18. Common Hamster Cricetus cricetus French: Hamster d'Europe / German: Feldhamster / Spanish:...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
7. Brown Bear Ursus arctos French: Ours brun / German: Braunbär / Spanish: Oso pardo Other ...
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
31. Spix’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus fuscicollis French: Tamarin de Spix / German: Braunriicke...
1. Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris French: Tapir du Brésil / German: Flachlandtapir / Spanish...
Can we reconstruct ancient human migrations by using a statistical signal from the diffusion of cert...
Mniarogekko jalu Bauer, Whitaker, Sadlier & Jackman sp. nov. (Figs. 18–21) Holotype. MNHN 2012.0...
Coletinia dalmatica Molero-Baltanás, Fišer, Bach de Roca & Gaju-Ricart sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.o...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
Ecological niche differences are necessary for stable species coexistence but are often difficult to...
4. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis French: Loup d'Abyssinie / German: Athiopien-Wolf / Spanish: Lob...
9. Cryptolarynx variabilis Haran sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: CABBADE9-B99D-481E-A5EE-ACFA0F...
18. Common Hamster Cricetus cricetus French: Hamster d'Europe / German: Feldhamster / Spanish:...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
7. Brown Bear Ursus arctos French: Ours brun / German: Braunbär / Spanish: Oso pardo Other ...
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
31. Spix’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus fuscicollis French: Tamarin de Spix / German: Braunriicke...
1. Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris French: Tapir du Brésil / German: Flachlandtapir / Spanish...
Can we reconstruct ancient human migrations by using a statistical signal from the diffusion of cert...
Mniarogekko jalu Bauer, Whitaker, Sadlier & Jackman sp. nov. (Figs. 18–21) Holotype. MNHN 2012.0...
Coletinia dalmatica Molero-Baltanás, Fišer, Bach de Roca & Gaju-Ricart sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.o...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
Ecological niche differences are necessary for stable species coexistence but are often difficult to...
4. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis French: Loup d'Abyssinie / German: Athiopien-Wolf / Spanish: Lob...
9. Cryptolarynx variabilis Haran sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: CABBADE9-B99D-481E-A5EE-ACFA0F...