1. Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris French: Tapir du Brésil / German: Flachlandtapir / Spanish: Tapir amazonico Other common names: Brazilian Tapir, South American Tapir Taxonomy. Hippopotamus terrestris Linnaeus, 1758, “Habitat in Brasillia” i.e. Pernambuco, Brazil. Four subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. T.t.terrestrisLinnaeus,1758—VenezuelathroughtheGuianastoCBrazilandNEArgentina(N&CMisiones). T.t.aenigmaticusGray,1872—SEColombia,EEcuador,andNEPeru. T.t.colombianusHershkovitz,1954—tropicalzonesofNColombiaintheareasofMagdalena,Bolivar,Atlantico,Cordoba,andNWAntioquia,asfarastheAtrataRiver,andasfarNastheRancheriaRiverinLaGuajira. T. t. spegazzinii Ameghino, 1909 — SE Braz1l (Mato Grosso State), E Boli...
16. Schreibers’s Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus schreibersii French: Minioptére de Schreibers /...
27. Puma Puma concolor French: Couguar / German: Puma / Spanish: Puma Other common names: C...
During the years 1955-1957 ecological data were collected in various types of mesophytic forest occu...
30. Geoftroy’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus nigrifrons French: Tamarin a front noir / German: Sch...
31. Spix’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus fuscicollis French: Tamarin de Spix / German: Braunriicke...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
4. Tiger Panthera tigris French: Tigre / German: Tiger / Spanish: Tigre Other common names:...
83. Guereza Colobus guereza French: Colobe guéréza / German: Guereza / Spanish: Colobo guereza...
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
20. Guianan Weeper Capuchin Cebus olivaceus French: Sapajou pleureur / German: Brauner Kapuzin...
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
2. Meadow Jumping Mouse Zapus hudsonius French: Zapode des champs / German: Wiesenhipfmaus / S...
6. Lion Panthera leo French: Lion / German: Lowe / Spanish: Leon Taxonomy. Felis leo Linnae...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
16. Schreibers’s Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus schreibersii French: Minioptére de Schreibers /...
27. Puma Puma concolor French: Couguar / German: Puma / Spanish: Puma Other common names: C...
During the years 1955-1957 ecological data were collected in various types of mesophytic forest occu...
30. Geoftroy’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus nigrifrons French: Tamarin a front noir / German: Sch...
31. Spix’s Saddle-back Tamarin Saguinus fuscicollis French: Tamarin de Spix / German: Braunriicke...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
4. Tiger Panthera tigris French: Tigre / German: Tiger / Spanish: Tigre Other common names:...
83. Guereza Colobus guereza French: Colobe guéréza / German: Guereza / Spanish: Colobo guereza...
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
20. Guianan Weeper Capuchin Cebus olivaceus French: Sapajou pleureur / German: Brauner Kapuzin...
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
2. Meadow Jumping Mouse Zapus hudsonius French: Zapode des champs / German: Wiesenhipfmaus / S...
6. Lion Panthera leo French: Lion / German: Lowe / Spanish: Leon Taxonomy. Felis leo Linnae...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
16. Schreibers’s Long-fingered Bat Miniopterus schreibersii French: Minioptére de Schreibers /...
27. Puma Puma concolor French: Couguar / German: Puma / Spanish: Puma Other common names: C...
During the years 1955-1957 ecological data were collected in various types of mesophytic forest occu...