Coletinia dalmatica Molero-Baltanás, Fišer, Bach de Roca & Gaju-Ricart sp. nov. 4D966B42-C6F4-4E80-AF36-059A1B8355B9 Figs 2–5 Diagnosis Insect with cylindrical shape, light yellowish turning to brownish in the abdomen, about 10 mm long. Antennae of males symmetrical, with apophyses widened in its subapical region but lacking processes or lamellae; the apical cone bears a glandular seta. Tibiae with 2 dorsal and 4 ventral spines, lacking lateral spine. Urotergite X of the male with 8+6 sensory pegs, 5 of them inserted in the posterolateral lobes. Posterior margin of the urotergite X of the female slightly concave. Disc of the urotergite with 9 thin setae in males and 13 in females. Hind margin of the urosternit...