What's Changed Issue 111 + 112 uniprot by @HobnobMancer in https://github.com/HobnobMancer/cazy_webscraper/pull/115 Full Changelog: https://github.com/HobnobMancer/cazy_webscraper/compare/v2.2.8...v2.3.0 New in version 2.3.0 Downloading protein data from UniProt is several magnitudes faster than before - and should have fewer issues with using older version of bioservices Uses bioservices mapping to map directly from NCBI protein version accession to UniProt cw_get_uniprot_data not longer calls to NCBI and thus no longer requires an email address as a positional argument Updated database schema: Changed Genbanks 1--* Uniprots to Genbanks *--1 Uniprots. Uniprots.uniprot_id is now listed in the Genbanks table, instead of listing Genbanks...