The article discusses the aspects of educational support for children with autism spectrum disorders in the Resource Centre for Inclusive Education. The issues faced by children with autism and their families are also highlighted. The behavioural therapies most commonly used in working with the autistic child are described, as well as examples of improving pronunciation and speech development, developing thought operations, practising spatial and temporal orientation skills and educating civilised behaviour.Pereteatcu, Maria. Asistenţa educaţională a copiilor cu tulburări din spectrul autist în centrul de resurse pentru educaţia incluzivă / Maria Pereteatcu // Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii : Materialele Conferinţei ştii...
The purpose of this study is to present a case report of an autism incident, specifically of a toddl...
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with persiste...
Ovaj rad bavi se obrazovanjem djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, skupini poremećaja koja se pre...
This article offers information about the education of children with autism. This is a social-educat...
The article comprises three case studies which, over a few years, have been the source of experience...
Ovaj rad odnosi se na odgoj i obrazovanje djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA). Poremećaj iz...
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi postojanje suvremenih i aktualnih metoda i strategija koje su ključne...
The following article discusses important questions of the individual needs of a child with autism. ...
The article presents the results of a qualitative study revealing the challenges faced by primary sc...
Tématem předložené bakalářské práce je vzdělávání žáků s poruchou autistického spektra ve speciální ...
The word autism increasingly appears on the lips of most pedagogues, teachers and parents. Why? This...
Darba autore: Madara Akmentiņa. Darba temats: „Bērna ar autiskā spektra traucējumu iekļaušana vispār...
Bakalářská práce se věnuje popisu dvou hlavních proudů vzdělávání dětí s autismem - vzdělávání v zák...
Djeca s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra imaju teškoće s razumijevanjem svijeta na način na koji t...
Djeca s poremećajima iz autističnog spektra, koju obilježava specifično funkcioniranje na području...
The purpose of this study is to present a case report of an autism incident, specifically of a toddl...
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with persiste...
Ovaj rad bavi se obrazovanjem djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, skupini poremećaja koja se pre...
This article offers information about the education of children with autism. This is a social-educat...
The article comprises three case studies which, over a few years, have been the source of experience...
Ovaj rad odnosi se na odgoj i obrazovanje djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (PSA). Poremećaj iz...
Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi postojanje suvremenih i aktualnih metoda i strategija koje su ključne...
The following article discusses important questions of the individual needs of a child with autism. ...
The article presents the results of a qualitative study revealing the challenges faced by primary sc...
Tématem předložené bakalářské práce je vzdělávání žáků s poruchou autistického spektra ve speciální ...
The word autism increasingly appears on the lips of most pedagogues, teachers and parents. Why? This...
Darba autore: Madara Akmentiņa. Darba temats: „Bērna ar autiskā spektra traucējumu iekļaušana vispār...
Bakalářská práce se věnuje popisu dvou hlavních proudů vzdělávání dětí s autismem - vzdělávání v zák...
Djeca s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra imaju teškoće s razumijevanjem svijeta na način na koji t...
Djeca s poremećajima iz autističnog spektra, koju obilježava specifično funkcioniranje na području...
The purpose of this study is to present a case report of an autism incident, specifically of a toddl...
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with persiste...
Ovaj rad bavi se obrazovanjem djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, skupini poremećaja koja se pre...