22. Ceratocarpus L. Ceratocarpus L., Sp. Pl.: 969 (1753) Ceratoides Gagnebin (1755). Annual monoecious herbs with prominent stellate-dendroid hairs. Staminate flowers in few-flowered axillary clusters; perianth 2-lobed, almost claviform; stamens l(-2); pistillate flowers mostly solitary, 2- bracteolate; bracteoles folded, fused their entire length, tube with acicular appendages; stigmas 2. Embryo horseshoe-shaped; radicle pointing downward. Zn = 18. Two spp., E Europe and W Asia.Published as part of Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, pp. 253-281 in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer-Verlag on page 26