Drabescini Ishihara, 1953 Figs 19, 20 Type genus: Drabescus Stål, 1870. = Paraboloponini Ishihara, 1953. = Bhatiini Linnavuori & Al-Ne’Amy, 1983. Diagnosis Drabescini are medium sized to large leafhoppers, variable in color and shape. They can be identified by the antennae situated near the upper part of the face, antennal pits large and often encroaching onto the frontoclypeus, anterior margin of the head glabrous, irregularly textured, or with one to many carinae or striae, long antennae, nymph often with apical process on the head and male pygofer with a pair of long apical appendages widely separated at the base. Description HEAD. Head subequal to or wider than pronotum. Discal portion of crown glabrous with radial or longitud...