118. Dwarf Little Fruit Bat Rhinophylla pumilio French: Rhinophylle naine / German: Zwerg-Kleinfruchtfledermaus / Spanish: Rhinéfilo enano Taxonomy. Rhinophylla pumilio Peters, 1865, “angeblich Brasilien [= allegedly from Brazil].” Restricted by G. E. Dobson in 1878 to “ Brazil (Bahia). This species is monotypic. Distribution. E of Andes in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, the Guianas, and Amazon and Atlantic coast of Brazil (N Espirito Santo). Descriptive notes. Head—body 40-57 mm (tailless), ear 15-17 mm, hindfoot 10-12 mm, forearm 29-9-37 mm; weight 8-135 g. Dorsal fur of the Dwarf Little Fruit Bat 1s olive-brown to reddish brown. Underparts are dull brown. Dorsal and ventral hairs are bicolored, with whit...