103. Ben Keith's Short-tailed Bat Carollia benkeithi French: Carollia de Ben Keith / German: Keith-Kurzschwanzblattnase / Spanish: Carolia de Ben Keith Other common names: Benkeith's Short-tailed Bat Taxonomy. Carollia benkeithi Solari & R. J. Baker, 2006, “ 2 km S of Tingo Maria, Province of Leoncio Prado, Department of Huanuco, Peru, at approximately 9° 18’ S, 75º 59' W.” Carollia benkeithi was split from C. castanea, which was shown to be a species complex based on molecular and morphological analyses. Monotypic. Distribution. Lowland forests of W Brazil, E Peru, and N Bolivia, S of the Amazon River. Because of abundance of individuals in the C. castanea complex, hampering precise species identification in the field and i...