Tephritis conjuncta var. divisa Rondani, 1871 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1871b: 18. TYPE LOCALITY: “ in tota Italia [in all Italy]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, lectotype (double-mounted: fastened by a micro pin to a polyethylene foam block on a standard insect pin) (MZUF: Box 31): Tephritis Latr. / divisa Rnd., ♀ / 1657 / ♀ / lectotype Tephritis divisa Rondani, det. B. Merz, 1992. PARALECTOTYPES EXAMINED: 5 ♂♂ (all double-mounted: fastened by a micro pin to a polyethylene foam block on a standard insect pin, one completely covered with mold; one missing head and left legs) (MZUF: Box 31): Tephritis Latr. / divisa Rnd. ♂ / 1657; 5 ♀♀ (two double-mounted: fastened by a micro pin to a polyethylen...