Tephritis matutina Rondani, 1871 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1871b: 11 (key), 22 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ in colle sub-apennino … in Sicilia [sub-Apennine hill … Sicily (Italy)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, lectotype (double-mounted: fastened by a micro pin to a polyethylene foam block on a standard insect pin) (MZUF: Box 32): Tephritis Latr. / matutina Rnd., Etrur. [= Etruria (Tuscany)], Sicil. / 1667 / lectotype ♂ [not designated], Tephritis matutina Rondani, det. B. Merz, 1992 / 1667, Tephritis ? nigricauda (Loew), det. I.M. White, 1986; 1 ♂, paralectotype (double-mounted: fastened by a micro pin to a polyethylene foam block on a standard insect pin) (MZUF: Box 32): Tephritis Latr. / matutina Rnd., Etrur. [= Etruria (Tusc...