This study examines the symbolism in first anthropomorphic Malaysian animated film, Seefood. It aims to analyse the symbolism of animal characters as a visual metaphor in the Malaysian animated film. This paper is based on research using the Semiotic Saussure Theory in analysing the data. This paper records that cultural factors and knowledge of myths, beliefs and social differences as key aspects of symbolism application can be applied into new media, especially in the field of animation. This makes the character easier to attract the attention of the audience due to the existence of understanding and coherence of social cultural representations that are synonymous in the audience
Animated film “Cio Tao” highlights the topic of Cio Tao ceremony; a maturity ceremony before marriag...
The animated series of Nussa and Rarra is an animation allocated to children. This series explores I...
The characters contained in the Binekon animation are "representatives" of the culture that exists i...
This study aims to find out the meaning of the animal characters in the Zootopia movie. Zootopia is ...
Semiotics is the study of signs and their associations. These signs can be in the form of images, so...
The animated film “Inside Out” has an interesting story and a light plot that manages to make the au...
This study aims to find out the meaning of the animal characters in the Zootopia movie. Zootopia is ...
The study was titled "Semiotic Analysis of Japanese Cultural Representation in Anohana Anime Films"....
A movie is a famous kind of mass media that conveys messages, information, and education. The portra...
As signs, semiotics, cultural society, and common occurrences are examined. Semiotic analysis is pri...
Film semiotics is one of the semiotic studies that uses film as its object. This study aims to deter...
Visual Semiotics is a new semiotic branch that analyzes how visual signs or visual images convey mes...
This research aims to identify the representation of fantasy comedy and explain the sign system to r...
This research is a case study which employs qualitative method to analyze signs and symbols showed t...
Inside Out animated films depict various emotions and there are five basic emotional characters like...
Animated film “Cio Tao” highlights the topic of Cio Tao ceremony; a maturity ceremony before marriag...
The animated series of Nussa and Rarra is an animation allocated to children. This series explores I...
The characters contained in the Binekon animation are "representatives" of the culture that exists i...
This study aims to find out the meaning of the animal characters in the Zootopia movie. Zootopia is ...
Semiotics is the study of signs and their associations. These signs can be in the form of images, so...
The animated film “Inside Out” has an interesting story and a light plot that manages to make the au...
This study aims to find out the meaning of the animal characters in the Zootopia movie. Zootopia is ...
The study was titled "Semiotic Analysis of Japanese Cultural Representation in Anohana Anime Films"....
A movie is a famous kind of mass media that conveys messages, information, and education. The portra...
As signs, semiotics, cultural society, and common occurrences are examined. Semiotic analysis is pri...
Film semiotics is one of the semiotic studies that uses film as its object. This study aims to deter...
Visual Semiotics is a new semiotic branch that analyzes how visual signs or visual images convey mes...
This research aims to identify the representation of fantasy comedy and explain the sign system to r...
This research is a case study which employs qualitative method to analyze signs and symbols showed t...
Inside Out animated films depict various emotions and there are five basic emotional characters like...
Animated film “Cio Tao” highlights the topic of Cio Tao ceremony; a maturity ceremony before marriag...
The animated series of Nussa and Rarra is an animation allocated to children. This series explores I...
The characters contained in the Binekon animation are "representatives" of the culture that exists i...