The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an insect carnival, but makes an unlikely friendship with a certain caterpillar.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animatio
This thesis describes the development and creation of a computer-animated short movie entitled The ...
An image of a student at the Carnival, 1965
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around yo...
Daisy is a 3D short animated film that portray a quarrel between Old Lady and Bull over a daisy flow...
The Girl and Her Tail is a _ minutes 2D animated short film. It is an abstract dance sequence which ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
This thesis describes the development and creation of a computer-animated short movie entitled The ...
An image of a student at the Carnival, 1965
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Airplane Ride is a hand-drawn 2D animated short about a young girl who goes on a magical airplane ri...
The Snail is a 2D-animated short film about a boy who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, who sees a ...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around yo...
Daisy is a 3D short animated film that portray a quarrel between Old Lady and Bull over a daisy flow...
The Girl and Her Tail is a _ minutes 2D animated short film. It is an abstract dance sequence which ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
This thesis describes the development and creation of a computer-animated short movie entitled The ...
An image of a student at the Carnival, 1965
This presentation covers the creative research and process of making a 3-D animated short film. The ...