Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animation, School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technological University. It tells the story of a butterfly that gets captured by a lepidopterist whose obsession isn’t limited to butterflies. This report document and reflects upon the process and development of the film while discussing difficulties encountered and how they were overcome through the use of problem solving and compromises.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animatio
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
In this report, the process of creation for the animated 3D short film, Greedy, will be recounted in...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Hooked is a 4 minute 3D animated short film, directed and animated by a team of four students, Ang Y...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
This report outlines the production process of Fireflies, a two-and-a-half minute fully-animated sho...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Final year project report for the film, Nectar and Noises. The report details the directors process ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an ins...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
This report documents the entire journey of my final year project development throughout the one and...
Balance is a digitally drawn animated film that explores the relationship between two individuals. T...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
In this report, the process of creation for the animated 3D short film, Greedy, will be recounted in...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...
Caught is a 2D digitally animated short film produced as a final year project for the Degree of Bach...
Hooked is a 4 minute 3D animated short film, directed and animated by a team of four students, Ang Y...
The Stray Mothis a 13 minutes 43 seconds short film Final Year Project produced by Cultural Orphan F...
This report outlines the production process of Fireflies, a two-and-a-half minute fully-animated sho...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Final year project report for the film, Nectar and Noises. The report details the directors process ...
Hide and Seek is a 2D animated short film about a young half human/half tiger girl, who is afraid of...
The Carnival is a 2D animated short film that features a young girl named Lola, sneaking into an ins...
This is a short 3D animated film directed and produced by two year 4 animation student in the school...
This report documents the entire journey of my final year project development throughout the one and...
Balance is a digitally drawn animated film that explores the relationship between two individuals. T...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This report is a documentation of the 3d-animated final year short film SYNDROME. It is an experimen...
In this report, the process of creation for the animated 3D short film, Greedy, will be recounted in...
Our animated short film, Lacuna, is a science fiction themed story of two robot pilots, a master and...