“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around you. The film follows the perspective of Tama, the short-haired girl who recluses herself after losing one of her dear friends, Lili, in a motorcycle accident. She recluses herself from her other friend, Cindy, who was also involved in the accident. This FYP report discusses the process and development of this animated film.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Animatio
Little Milk Monster a short animated musical film based on the true story of the author's nieces. It...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Miss is a 2D animation graduate thesis film, with a length of 5 minutes and 50 seconds. The producti...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Through Her Eyes is a 2D animated film about a girl who gradually loses her sight and discovers a wa...
The Girl and Her Tail is a _ minutes 2D animated short film. It is an abstract dance sequence which ...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
A FYP report on the creation of a 2D animated short film Letting Go, which tells about a teen strugg...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
A film is a product of a very long process of design and planning. An animated film needs even more ...
Oleander is a 2D digitally hand-drawn animated short film depicting a tragedy caused by the act of ...
‘The Girl Upstairs’ is a 2d animated film about the friendship between a lonely little boy and a rec...
Little Milk Monster a short animated musical film based on the true story of the author's nieces. It...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...
Miss is a 2D animation graduate thesis film, with a length of 5 minutes and 50 seconds. The producti...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Through Her Eyes is a 2D animated film about a girl who gradually loses her sight and discovers a wa...
The Girl and Her Tail is a _ minutes 2D animated short film. It is an abstract dance sequence which ...
A stop motion animation about a little girl who falls into a world of anxiety after her father leave...
“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story ...
A FYP report on the creation of a 2D animated short film Letting Go, which tells about a teen strugg...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
A film is a product of a very long process of design and planning. An animated film needs even more ...
Oleander is a 2D digitally hand-drawn animated short film depicting a tragedy caused by the act of ...
‘The Girl Upstairs’ is a 2d animated film about the friendship between a lonely little boy and a rec...
Little Milk Monster a short animated musical film based on the true story of the author's nieces. It...
“Umbrella” is a playful animated film that fuses traditional and digital media to create unconventio...
BAOZHA! is a hand-drawn, 2D animated, comedic short film that revolves around a guardian deity’s str...