“Echoes” is a 2D digitally-animated short film produced as a final year project. It tells the story of a lost dog trying to reconnect with its owner. The main themes of the film are loss and belonging. This report documents the process and development of making “Echoes”, from the pre-production to post-production. It elaborates on the challenges faced, and the solutions and compromises implemented in making this short film. Keywords: 2D Digital Animation, Hand-drawn Animation, Animated Short FilmBachelor of Fine Art
Reo is a short animated 2D film that follows the journey of a boy through a wintery landscape in sea...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around yo...
Modeling and Animation Creative Project I am presenting a Creative/ Research project of a short anim...
This report documents the making of 2D animated short film, 'Voices' from its conception to executio...
“Wawa” is an animated graduate thesis film with a duration of 10 minutes and 5 seconds. “Wawa” is a ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Project 4:44 is a short animated film about a boy who is forced to confront his actions as a bully a...
How to Train Your Dog is a 2D short animated film with a total timescale of four minutes and five se...
Oleander is a 2D digitally hand-drawn animated short film depicting a tragedy caused by the act of ...
My pet is a 6-minute animation short about an 8-year-old girl and her relationship with her first pe...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Reo is a short animated 2D film that follows the journey of a boy through a wintery landscape in sea...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around yo...
Modeling and Animation Creative Project I am presenting a Creative/ Research project of a short anim...
This report documents the making of 2D animated short film, 'Voices' from its conception to executio...
“Wawa” is an animated graduate thesis film with a duration of 10 minutes and 5 seconds. “Wawa” is a ...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
The subject of this Final Year Project report will be a 2D animated short film, Treadmill. It tells ...
The subject of this Final Year Project Report is 7.18.25, a short 2D animated film by my team (Jolen...
Project 4:44 is a short animated film about a boy who is forced to confront his actions as a bully a...
How to Train Your Dog is a 2D short animated film with a total timescale of four minutes and five se...
Oleander is a 2D digitally hand-drawn animated short film depicting a tragedy caused by the act of ...
My pet is a 6-minute animation short about an 8-year-old girl and her relationship with her first pe...
Ya’Aburnee is a Final Year Project from Digital Animation Major that is the subject of this report. ...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
Reo is a short animated 2D film that follows the journey of a boy through a wintery landscape in sea...
“Bookworm” is a 2D animated film in the action genre. The project served to explore the multiple way...
“Lili” is a 2D animated film about losing a loved one and processing grief with loved ones around yo...