The design of the low-voltage low-power RF circuit has become increasingly grown in demand. The existence of noise in MOSFET is one of the main challenges of the low-voltage low-power RFIC design. The performance of RF circuits strongly relies on upon how accurate the high frequency noise characteristics of the transistors are modeled and predicted. Therefore, it is necessary to have accurate noise models of MOSFETs, which are continuous from weak to strong inversion. For MOSFETs under sub-threshold condition, a new high frequency drain current noise model is developed to include a new component of noise called junction noise, which is the additional drain current noise due to the high-frequency shot noise in the source-bulk and drain-bulk...
Summarization: In this paper, Buried-Channel and Native MOSFETs are thoroughly investigated in terms...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...
A new high frequency drain current noise model was developed for MOSFETs under sub-threshold conditi...
A new high frequency drain current noise model was developed for MOSFETs under sub-threshold conditi...
At high frequency of gigahertz, the channel thermal noise is dominating the noise of MOSFETs. The ch...
In this letter, a drain current noise model that includes the channel thermal noise and the shot noi...
In this letter, a drain current noise model that includes the channel thermal noise and the shot noi...
A simple high frequency channel thermal noise model was developed for MOSFETs in strong inversion r...
measured and modeled. In contrast to some other groups, we find only a moderate enhancement of the d...
A thorough study of high frequency MOSFET noise compact modeling with emphasis on channel thermal no...
Thorough investigations of the low-frequency noise (LFN) in a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator te...
Abstract—Simple, physics-based MOSFET noise models, valid over the linear, saturation, and subthresh...
In this paper, a novel procedure for extracting the impor-tant noise sources in MOSFETs is reviewed....
A closed-form model able to predict high frequency thermal noise of SOI MOSFETS for all channel leng...
Summarization: In this paper, Buried-Channel and Native MOSFETs are thoroughly investigated in terms...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...
A new high frequency drain current noise model was developed for MOSFETs under sub-threshold conditi...
A new high frequency drain current noise model was developed for MOSFETs under sub-threshold conditi...
At high frequency of gigahertz, the channel thermal noise is dominating the noise of MOSFETs. The ch...
In this letter, a drain current noise model that includes the channel thermal noise and the shot noi...
In this letter, a drain current noise model that includes the channel thermal noise and the shot noi...
A simple high frequency channel thermal noise model was developed for MOSFETs in strong inversion r...
measured and modeled. In contrast to some other groups, we find only a moderate enhancement of the d...
A thorough study of high frequency MOSFET noise compact modeling with emphasis on channel thermal no...
Thorough investigations of the low-frequency noise (LFN) in a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator te...
Abstract—Simple, physics-based MOSFET noise models, valid over the linear, saturation, and subthresh...
In this paper, a novel procedure for extracting the impor-tant noise sources in MOSFETs is reviewed....
A closed-form model able to predict high frequency thermal noise of SOI MOSFETS for all channel leng...
Summarization: In this paper, Buried-Channel and Native MOSFETs are thoroughly investigated in terms...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...
In this paper, a new field dependent effective mobility model including the drain-induced vertical f...