The main purpose of my PhD dissertation was the critical edition, translation and annotation of 236 iambic poems of John Geometres. Τhese poems deal with both secular and Christian themes: for instance, there are poems devoted to Christ, Mary, saints, relics, icons and others on Byzantine emperors, ancient writers and philosophers. As for their function, the majority of them intended to be verse inscriptions, book epigrams and laudatory poems. My edition was based on Paris. Suppl. gr. 352 and includes four parts: The first one is an introduction with chapters on the poet, poetic themes, literary sources, meter, manuscripts and the editorial principles. The second involves the critical edition of the poems and their Modern Greek translation....
The article deals mainly with the narrative structure and the focalization of the Poems of Theodore ...
Phenomenon that evolved throughout Europe, Renaissance has its roots in the first Florentine humanis...
Greek for Academic Purposes is a relatively new research field compared to the long tradition of Lan...
The main purpose of my PhD dissertation was the critical edition, translation and annotation of 236 ...
The first edition of Asclepiades’s epigrams aspires to become a reliable handbook to University stud...
The article focuses on an unedited poem of the well-known writer Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos d...
Drukker en datum uit colofon: Mense MartioHerkomst: Carmeli Gandensis [Karmelieten Gent] ; Cornelis ...
Within the concept of this research, the lyrics of 214 songs of modern Mediterranean E.U. countries ...
Dans une premiere partie, ΓΑ. examine le caractere litteraire des lettres du celebre patriarche, ces...
Cette homelie de Meletios prononcee a l’occasion de son ordination a Venise et dans laquelle il trai...
Relationship between religion and theology with philosophy and scientific thought during the Byzanti...
Poursuivant ses etudes relatives a ce poete cretois du XVIe siecle, Pauteur edite le poeme intitule ...
Dans son ouvrage « de administrando imperio » Constantin le Porphyrogenete rapporte que le Vendredi ...
Colofon: Hamburgi, typis Johannis Georgii Piscatoris & filii., 17491. Qvod complectitvr fragmenta li...
Apres un apergu tres sommaire sur la vie deR. et la decouverte de ses poemes par le cardinal Pitra, ...
The article deals mainly with the narrative structure and the focalization of the Poems of Theodore ...
Phenomenon that evolved throughout Europe, Renaissance has its roots in the first Florentine humanis...
Greek for Academic Purposes is a relatively new research field compared to the long tradition of Lan...
The main purpose of my PhD dissertation was the critical edition, translation and annotation of 236 ...
The first edition of Asclepiades’s epigrams aspires to become a reliable handbook to University stud...
The article focuses on an unedited poem of the well-known writer Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos d...
Drukker en datum uit colofon: Mense MartioHerkomst: Carmeli Gandensis [Karmelieten Gent] ; Cornelis ...
Within the concept of this research, the lyrics of 214 songs of modern Mediterranean E.U. countries ...
Dans une premiere partie, ΓΑ. examine le caractere litteraire des lettres du celebre patriarche, ces...
Cette homelie de Meletios prononcee a l’occasion de son ordination a Venise et dans laquelle il trai...
Relationship between religion and theology with philosophy and scientific thought during the Byzanti...
Poursuivant ses etudes relatives a ce poete cretois du XVIe siecle, Pauteur edite le poeme intitule ...
Dans son ouvrage « de administrando imperio » Constantin le Porphyrogenete rapporte que le Vendredi ...
Colofon: Hamburgi, typis Johannis Georgii Piscatoris & filii., 17491. Qvod complectitvr fragmenta li...
Apres un apergu tres sommaire sur la vie deR. et la decouverte de ses poemes par le cardinal Pitra, ...
The article deals mainly with the narrative structure and the focalization of the Poems of Theodore ...
Phenomenon that evolved throughout Europe, Renaissance has its roots in the first Florentine humanis...
Greek for Academic Purposes is a relatively new research field compared to the long tradition of Lan...