79. Noronhia stevensiana Hong-Wa, spec. nova (Fig. 64, 65A). Typus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: DIANA, Diégo II, Antsalaka, Montagne d’Ambre AP, 12°37’17”S 49°10’46”E, 1038 m, 12. VI.2010, Hong-Wa 711 (holo-: MO-6615564!; iso-: P!, TAN!). Diagnosis Noronhia stevensiana Hong-Wa can be distinguished from other members of the genus by its partially woody petioles, its chartaceous and lanceolate leaf blades, its somewhat compact inflorescences, with cupuliform, cream-white pinkish flowers, and its crustaceous, subglobose fruits without a distinct apex. Description Trees to 14 m tall, trunk to 20 cm diameter; young twigs flattened to cylindrical, 0.5-2 mm diameter, glabrous; bark dark gray, smooth to rugose. Leaves opposite, pe...