85. Noronhia variabilis Hong-Wa, spec. nova (Fig. 69, 70). – Noronhia sp. 2, sp. 4 in GAUTIER (2002: 202). Typus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: DIANA, Ambato FC, à 40 km au N d’Ambanja sur le versant S de la Montagne d’Ambato, 13°26’S 48°33’E, 90-459 m, 22.XI.1996, Randrianaivo et al. 27 (holo-: MO-6615560!; iso-: G, NY, P [P03559017]!, TAN!). Diagnosis Noronhia variabilis Hong-Wa can be distinguished from other members of the genus by its often non-woody, reddish petioles, its coriaceous, elliptic to oblong leaf blades, and its ovoid to subglobose fruits, with smooth surface and woody endocarp. Description Trees to 15 m tall, trunk to 12 cm diameter; young twigs cylindrical to flattened, 1-2.7 mm diameter, glabrous; bark...