U ovom radu bavimo se problemom estimacije biomase ribe u morskim ribogojilištima korištenjem heterogenog robotskog sustav koji se sastoji od bespilotnih letjelica i podvodnih vozila. Fotografije iz zraka dobivene pomoću bespilotnih letjelica tijekom hranjenja ribe predstavljaju ulazne podatke za procjenu broja riba te time i količine biomase u kavezu. S obzirom na nedostupnost pravih slika i podataka o pripadajućem broju ribe izrađen je simulator kojim su stvoreni sintetički podaci za obradu i izračun parametara aproksimacijskih funkcija. Rezultati dobiveni aproksimativnom metodom za procjenu broja riba na temelju obrade dobivenih slika u virtualnom dobiveni pokazuju da je ovaj problem iznimno složen. Potrebna je daljnja analiza uzgojnih k...
Summarization: Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors worldwide providing more than ...
The objective of this work is to create a module for a ship maneuvering simulator, which will allow ...
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries in Norway, and one of the fastest growing food ...
U sklopu ovoga rada je kreiran program koji služi generiranju slika potrebnih za kreiranje neuronske...
Abstract:- One of the main costs of the marine fish farms is the extruded feed. This paper discusses...
U akvakulturi je od velike važnosti poznavati veličinu ribe kako bi se mogla odrediti optimalna koli...
The Norwegian aquaculture industry is accident prone compared to other industries and employees repo...
Sustav za klasifikaciju i separaciju riba uspješno razvijen u okviru ovog rada predstavlja temelj za...
U ovom radu opisana su dva istraživanja u kojima su se koristile biomimetičke robotske ribe. Biomime...
Introduction As the world population grows up, the quantity and quality of human food must be improv...
In recent years, the focus has been on biomimetic robots. These robots are developed based on the s...
Ribogojstvo je pomembna živinorejska panoga, ki vzreja ribe za vlaganje v ribolovne vode in zagotavl...
Theobjectiveofthisworkistocreateamoduleforashipmaneuvering simulator, which will allow the training ...
SubCULTron projekt razvija najveće jato robota na svijetu, do njih 150. Unutar jata su tri različite...
Introduction: The paper presents the methodology and the algorithm developed to analyze sonar images...
Summarization: Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors worldwide providing more than ...
The objective of this work is to create a module for a ship maneuvering simulator, which will allow ...
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries in Norway, and one of the fastest growing food ...
U sklopu ovoga rada je kreiran program koji služi generiranju slika potrebnih za kreiranje neuronske...
Abstract:- One of the main costs of the marine fish farms is the extruded feed. This paper discusses...
U akvakulturi je od velike važnosti poznavati veličinu ribe kako bi se mogla odrediti optimalna koli...
The Norwegian aquaculture industry is accident prone compared to other industries and employees repo...
Sustav za klasifikaciju i separaciju riba uspješno razvijen u okviru ovog rada predstavlja temelj za...
U ovom radu opisana su dva istraživanja u kojima su se koristile biomimetičke robotske ribe. Biomime...
Introduction As the world population grows up, the quantity and quality of human food must be improv...
In recent years, the focus has been on biomimetic robots. These robots are developed based on the s...
Ribogojstvo je pomembna živinorejska panoga, ki vzreja ribe za vlaganje v ribolovne vode in zagotavl...
Theobjectiveofthisworkistocreateamoduleforashipmaneuvering simulator, which will allow the training ...
SubCULTron projekt razvija najveće jato robota na svijetu, do njih 150. Unutar jata su tri različite...
Introduction: The paper presents the methodology and the algorithm developed to analyze sonar images...
Summarization: Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors worldwide providing more than ...
The objective of this work is to create a module for a ship maneuvering simulator, which will allow ...
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries in Norway, and one of the fastest growing food ...