U ovom radu opisana su dva istraživanja u kojima su se koristile biomimetičke robotske ribe. Biomimetika je analitički i sintetski proces u kojem biolozi i inženjeri dupliciraju biološke strukture i/ili funkcije te ih primjenjuju u mehaničkim strojevima, robotima itd. Biomimetičke robotske ribe izgrađuju se iz tri razloga: za testiranje bioloških hipoteza, za izradu novog dizajna za podvodna vozila te za zabavu ili edukaciju. Biolozi i inženjeri prvo izaberu ciljnu funkciju ili ponašanje robota, zatim odrede procese kojima će stvoriti tu funkciju ili ponašanje te na kraju rade planove dizajna. Robotske ribe se izrađuju za modeliranje pojedinih struktura, pojedinih vrsta ili cijele populacije riba. One mogu ili ne moraju biti samo-pogonske, ...
This paper presents the development of a fish-like robot called Bro-Fish. Bro-Fish aims to be an edu...
The study of biomimetic robotic fish has received a growing amount of research interest in the past ...
Biorobotics aims at developing artifacts as synthesis and simulation of living systems. Herein, an a...
U ovom radu opisana su dva istraživanja u kojima su se koristile biomimetičke robotske ribe. Biomime...
Biomimetika (bios - život, i mimetikos – imitiranje) ili bionika je disciplina koja nalazi održiva t...
This paper introduces biomimetics as an emerging discipline that studies and examines nature, its mo...
Naloga opisuje načrtovanje, izdelavo in programiranje biomimetične antropomorfne robotske roke z dva...
Abstract — The incorporation of novel structures and mechanisms from nature into the design and func...
Ključni problemi tekstilne industrije današnjice redom su ekološki nepovoljan utjecaj emaniran kroz ...
Evolution has resolved many of nature’s challenges leading to lasting solutions with maximal perform...
U radu je prikazana važnost biomimetike kao znanosti, kako se razvijala kroz povijest i kako su ljud...
In this paper, a novel design of a biomimetic robot fish is presented. Based on the propulsion and m...
In the recent years, a dynamical development of an underwater robotics has been noticed. The robotic...
W artykule autorzy postanowili przedstawić pokrótce rozwiązania napędowe stosowane w klasycznych poj...
- In the 4th industrial revolution era, more countries and companies tend to use specialized robots ...
This paper presents the development of a fish-like robot called Bro-Fish. Bro-Fish aims to be an edu...
The study of biomimetic robotic fish has received a growing amount of research interest in the past ...
Biorobotics aims at developing artifacts as synthesis and simulation of living systems. Herein, an a...
U ovom radu opisana su dva istraživanja u kojima su se koristile biomimetičke robotske ribe. Biomime...
Biomimetika (bios - život, i mimetikos – imitiranje) ili bionika je disciplina koja nalazi održiva t...
This paper introduces biomimetics as an emerging discipline that studies and examines nature, its mo...
Naloga opisuje načrtovanje, izdelavo in programiranje biomimetične antropomorfne robotske roke z dva...
Abstract — The incorporation of novel structures and mechanisms from nature into the design and func...
Ključni problemi tekstilne industrije današnjice redom su ekološki nepovoljan utjecaj emaniran kroz ...
Evolution has resolved many of nature’s challenges leading to lasting solutions with maximal perform...
U radu je prikazana važnost biomimetike kao znanosti, kako se razvijala kroz povijest i kako su ljud...
In this paper, a novel design of a biomimetic robot fish is presented. Based on the propulsion and m...
In the recent years, a dynamical development of an underwater robotics has been noticed. The robotic...
W artykule autorzy postanowili przedstawić pokrótce rozwiązania napędowe stosowane w klasycznych poj...
- In the 4th industrial revolution era, more countries and companies tend to use specialized robots ...
This paper presents the development of a fish-like robot called Bro-Fish. Bro-Fish aims to be an edu...
The study of biomimetic robotic fish has received a growing amount of research interest in the past ...
Biorobotics aims at developing artifacts as synthesis and simulation of living systems. Herein, an a...