Buku ini mengkaji pola respons masyarakat Muslim terhadap kebijakan Amerika Serikat (AS) dalam War on Terror. Kampanye Perang melawan Terror (War on Terror Campaign) yang dicanangkan AS sebagai reaksi terhadap peristiwa tragedy terorisme terbesar yang pernah melanda negara adidaya tersebut. Efek kampanye ini merubah lanskap relasi global dan menempatkan Islam serta ummat Islam sebagai 'tersangka' dalam pengadilan terbuka' opini dunia. Masyarakat Muslim mengalami periode terburuk dalam interaksinya dengan Barat, terutama AS di periode ini. Dalam studi ini, respon masyarakat Muslim disusun secara kronologis berdasarkan critical junctures atau peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang merupakan faktor katalis (penyebab) bagi munculnya vasiasi-variasi r...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued until to date. The global...
Pasca serangan terhadap gedung World Trade Center pada 11 September 2001, isu teroriseme menjadi s...
Diskursus terorisme dan jihad semakin aktual pasca peristiwa 11 September 2001, pengeboman World Tra...
Hampir dapat dipastikan, istilah jihad merupakan salah satu konsep Islam yang sering disalahpahami. ...
Penulis melakukan penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis pelanggaran HAM Am...
Pasca 11 September 2001 dan diumumkannya global war against terrorisme, dunia seakan terbagi menjad...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued untilto date. The global ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan sejauh mana pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh kebijakan ...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued untilto date. The global ...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued until to date. The global...
Pasca serangan terhadap gedung World Trade Center pada 11 September 2001, isu teroriseme menjadi s...
Diskursus terorisme dan jihad semakin aktual pasca peristiwa 11 September 2001, pengeboman World Tra...
Hampir dapat dipastikan, istilah jihad merupakan salah satu konsep Islam yang sering disalahpahami. ...
Penulis melakukan penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis pelanggaran HAM Am...
Pasca 11 September 2001 dan diumumkannya global war against terrorisme, dunia seakan terbagi menjad...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued untilto date. The global ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan sejauh mana pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh kebijakan ...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued untilto date. The global ...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
Terrorism has been a popular issue since September the Eleven. The incident was followed by a procla...
The global war on terror that was started after 11/9 tragedy has continued until to date. The global...
Pasca serangan terhadap gedung World Trade Center pada 11 September 2001, isu teroriseme menjadi s...