Reithrodon physodes (Olfers, 1818). In Eschwege, Neue Bibl. Reisenb., 15:209. TYPE LOCALITY: Argentina, pampas south of Buenos Aires, south bank of the Rio de la Plata. DISTRIBUTION: Argentina; adjacent Chile; Uruguay. COMMENT: Includes auritus, caurinus, cuniculoides, evae, pachycephalus, and typicus; see Hershkovitz, 1959, J. Mammal., 40:348, and Cabrera, 1961:501. The name auritus was given to this species by Fischer, 1814, Zoognosia, 3:71; see Langguth, 1966, Bull. Zool. Nomenci., 23(6):285-287. Reig, 1978, Publ. Mus. Munic. Cienc. Nat. Mar del Plata “Lorenzo Scaglia," 2(8): 185, referred to this species using Fischer's name, as did Dalby and Mares, 1974, Am. Midi. Nat., 92:205-206. The use of physodes here follows Myers and Carlet...