Oryzomys buccinatus (Olfers, 1818). In Eschwege, Neue Bibl. Reisenb., 15: 209. TYPE LOCALITY: Paraguay, Caraguatay, 45 km east of Asuncion, Atyra (=Atira). DISTRIBUTION: Paraguay; N.E. Argentina. COMMENT: Hershkovitz, 1959, J. Mammal., 40:347, included ratticeps in buccinatus; but see Avila-Pires, 1960, Acta Trab. Prim. Cong. Sudam. Zool., sec. 5, Vertebrados, 4:3-7, Corbet and Hill, 1980:144, Voss and Linzey, 1981, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 159:13, and Myers and Carleton, 1981, Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 161:1 -41, who all listed ratticeps as a distinct species. Subgenus Oryzomys; see Cabrera, 1961:385, 395. AL employs the name angouya (Fischer, 1814), for this species; see comment under Reithrodon physodes. ISIS ...