Guyalna polypaga Sanborn, 2019b Guyalna polypaga Sanborn 2019b: 39. (Nr. jct. Rio Maranon & Ucayalia, 73.5 ºW 4.8 ºS, Loreto Province, Peru) REMARKS . This is the smallest of the Peruvian species of Guyalna (body length less than 20.5 mm). The lack of bronzing, infuscation of the fore wing base or radial and radiomedial crossveins, piceous lateral sigillae. The piceous arrow-shaped markings on the dorsal abdomen are also unique among the Peruvian Guyalna species. DISTRIBUTION . The species has been reported from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru (Sanborn 2019b). MATERIAL EXAMINED . “ PERU: Loreto Pr.; nr. / jct. Rio Maranon & / Ucayali 73.5 ºW 4.8 ºS / 6–20-VIII-1994 / P.E. Skelley ” male (FSCA, holotype); “ PER...