Guyalna distanti (Goding, 1925) new record Fidicina distanti Goding 1925: 21. (Macas, Ecuador) REMARKS . This species can be distinguished by the bronzed fore wing apical cells, the green head and thorax with a transverse piceous fascia on the midline of the prothorax ambient fissure and piceous parapsidal sutures, and the testaceous abdomen with piceous markings forming two arches on the dorsal abdomen. DISTRIBUTION . The species has been reported previously from Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela (Metcalf 1963a; Sanborn 2013; 2016a) with the range recently expanded to include Bolivia (Sanborn 2019b). The new records fill a gap in the previously known distribution. MATERIAL EXAMINED FOR NEW RECORD . “ PERU: Dpto. Madre de Dio...