Hippobosca albonotata Rondani, 1863 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1863: 92. TYPE LOCALITY: “ Caffreria [Caffraria (South Africa)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, syntype (MZUN: Box Hippoboscidae H01, 01): Hippobosca albonotata Rnd., Caffreria / M. Zool. N° 11494. CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Hippobosca rufipes Olfers, 1816 (Hutson & Oldroyd 1980: 770). REMARKS: Rondani (1863: 92) described Hippobosca albonotata, without specifying the number, the sex or the length of the specimens, from material received from M. Spinola. Rondani (1863: 2) reported the type in the MZUN. Costa (1866: 40) listed a single MZUN specimen numbered “953”. Maa (1963: 13) did not find any type material in the MZUF, MCSNM, MSNG or MZUB collections, but reported t...