Exoprosopa truquii Rondani, 1863 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1863: 59. TYPE LOCALITY: “ Insulae Cypri [Cyprus Island]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, syntype (MZUN: Box Bombilidei B 03, 02): Exoprosopa truquii Rnd., Cipro / M. Zool. N° 11114. CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Exoprosopa onusta (Walker, 1852) (Zaitzev 1989: 144, Evenhuis & Greathead 1999: 372); junior synonym of Balaana onusta (Walker, 1852) (Evenhuis & Greathead 2015: 360). REMARKS: Rondani (1863: 59) described Exoprosopa truquii, without specifying either the number or the sex of the specimens, but giving a single measurement of length, from material received from E. Truqui. Costa (1866: 37) listed a single MZUN specimen numbered “829”. Evenhuis & Greathead (1999: 372)...