Vespertilionidae Afropipistrellus Thorn, Kock & Cuisin, 2007: 75. Subgenus of Pipistrellus. Type species: Vesperugo grandidieri Dobson, 1876. Barbastella barbastellus guanchae Trujillo, Ibáñez & Juste, 2002: 544. “ Spain, Canary Islands, Tenerife, La Guancha, Barranco de La Cantera, 300 m a.s.l.”. Glauconycteris curryae Eger & Schlitter, 2001: 2. “ Cameroon: 10 km W Bipindi (03o 05' N, 10 o 25 ' E), approximately 300 m above sea level”. Justified emendation of Glauconycteris curryi Eger & Schlitter 2001, by Eger (2001). [DD] Remarks: The authors did not explain how the specific name was formed but as there is no 'y' in Latin, the original name “ curryi ” must have been formed directly from the modern personal name and as it is th...
A new genus is proposed for the strikingly patterned African vespertilionid "Glauconycteris" superba...
113. Mouse-like Pipistrelle Hypsugo musciculus French: VVespéere murine / German: Mauschen-Zwe...
This is the last part in a series comprising all Megachiroptera known from mainland Africa and its i...
Figure 1. Type localities of taxa of African and Malagasy Vespertilionini and Pipistrellini. Valid s...
Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852). Reise nach Mossambique, Säugethiere, p. 63. TYPE LOCALITY: Moza...
114. Broad-headed Pipistrelle Hypsugo crassulus French: Vespere a grosse téte / German: Breitk...
Rhinolophus landeri Martin, 1838. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837:101 [1838]. TYPE LOCALITY: Equatori...
30. Dar-es-Salaam Pipistrelle Pipistrellus permixtus French: Pipistrelle de Tanzanie / German:...
153. Curry’s Butterfly Bat Glauconycteris curryae French: Glauconyctére de Curry / German: Cur...
29. Mount GarguesPipistrelle Pipistrellus aero French: Pipistrelle du Kenya / German: Mount-Ga...
Lepus victoriae Thomas, 1893. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, 12:268. TYPE LOCALITY: "Nassa, Speke G...
Pipistrelloid bats are among the most poorly known bats in Africa, a status no doubt exacerbated by ...
Pipistrellus inexspectatus Aellen, 1959. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 12:226. TYPE LOCALITY: Came...
115. Eisentraut’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo eisentrauti French: Vespére d'Eisentraut / German: Eisen...
131. Grandidier’s Serotine Neoromicia grandidieri French: Vespere de Grandidier / German: Gran...
A new genus is proposed for the strikingly patterned African vespertilionid "Glauconycteris" superba...
113. Mouse-like Pipistrelle Hypsugo musciculus French: VVespéere murine / German: Mauschen-Zwe...
This is the last part in a series comprising all Megachiroptera known from mainland Africa and its i...
Figure 1. Type localities of taxa of African and Malagasy Vespertilionini and Pipistrellini. Valid s...
Pipistrellus nanus (Peters, 1852). Reise nach Mossambique, Säugethiere, p. 63. TYPE LOCALITY: Moza...
114. Broad-headed Pipistrelle Hypsugo crassulus French: Vespere a grosse téte / German: Breitk...
Rhinolophus landeri Martin, 1838. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837:101 [1838]. TYPE LOCALITY: Equatori...
30. Dar-es-Salaam Pipistrelle Pipistrellus permixtus French: Pipistrelle de Tanzanie / German:...
153. Curry’s Butterfly Bat Glauconycteris curryae French: Glauconyctére de Curry / German: Cur...
29. Mount GarguesPipistrelle Pipistrellus aero French: Pipistrelle du Kenya / German: Mount-Ga...
Lepus victoriae Thomas, 1893. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, 12:268. TYPE LOCALITY: "Nassa, Speke G...
Pipistrelloid bats are among the most poorly known bats in Africa, a status no doubt exacerbated by ...
Pipistrellus inexspectatus Aellen, 1959. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 12:226. TYPE LOCALITY: Came...
115. Eisentraut’s Pipistrelle Hypsugo eisentrauti French: Vespére d'Eisentraut / German: Eisen...
131. Grandidier’s Serotine Neoromicia grandidieri French: Vespere de Grandidier / German: Gran...
A new genus is proposed for the strikingly patterned African vespertilionid "Glauconycteris" superba...
113. Mouse-like Pipistrelle Hypsugo musciculus French: VVespéere murine / German: Mauschen-Zwe...
This is the last part in a series comprising all Megachiroptera known from mainland Africa and its i...